Barbara Cominelli
Jones Lang LaSalle SPA
ULI Italy & PwC: Emerging Trends in Real Estate® 2025. Focus on Italy.
Join us for the presentation of the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Europe 2025 report by Urban Land Institute and PwC with a special focus on Italy, where a panel of experts will discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing the European real estate sector.
During the event, the research findings will be presented and placed within a broader economic context by Simon Chinn, Vice President, Research & Advisory, ULI Europe. Following this, an interactive program will include roundtable discussions on the report and the 2025 outlook for the real estate market. A panel of senior real estate professionals will then reflect on the latest developments from an Italian perspective.
The afternoon will conclude with a networking reception.
17.00 Welcome and Introductions by Lia Turri, PwC and Barbara Cominelli, ULI Italy Chair
17.10 Report Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2025 by Lia Turri, Partner Real Estate Leader, PwC
17.25 European market overview* by Simon Chinn, Vice-President, Research and Advisory, ULI Europe
*Presentation in English
17.35 Scientific guidelines on techniques for estimating the risk induced by climate change by Alberto Montanari, Professor, Università Bologna
17.55 Panel Discussion
19.00 Closing Remarks and Networking Reception
PwC Tower Milan Piazza Tre Torri 2 ITALY
Jones Lang LaSalle SPA
Managing Director, Marketing, CSR & Investor Relations, COIMA
Vice President Research & Advisory Services, Urban Land Institute - Europe