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We are delighted to announce ULI Belgium’s annual programme (2017-2018), which is based on two pillars: the international arena, and our young leaders group.
ULI Belgium is above all a network, offering a series of world class conferences. In an effort to anticipate the stakes of tomorrow’s towns, we shall bring together urban players, based on an interdisciplinary and international approach, who analyse and propose new ways of building and designing towns.
ULI Belgium is also counting on its young talent. The towns we shall live in tomorrow will be radically different from those we know today. That is why it is crucial to inform and train our future leaders (<35). This is one of the objectives of the programme conceived by the ULI Young Leaders Steering Committee. This rich and varied programme (Meet the CEOs, Site Tour, Conferences and City Trip in Amsterdam), which is freely accessible to all our members, will also allow you to expand your professional network in an intelligent manner.
“Although ULI members come from many different backgrounds, we all share a common goal: to make cities better places to live for people from all walks of life.”
None of these gatherings would have been possible without our partners, to whom we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks.
But to face the challenges that will require towns to adapt and reinvent themselves, it will be necessary to bring into play all the quality stakeholders (members of parliament, public and private decision-makers, developers, architects, town planners, researchers and experts). We need you, as a member, and your support to pursue this approach we have decided to adopt.
The members of the ULI Belgium Executive Committee and Young Leaders Steering Committee hope to be able to count you among our members, and we hope to see you in person at our future events.
Best Regards,
Marnix Galle
Chairman, ULI Belgium
Nicolas Deremince
Chairman, ULI Belgium Young Leaders
Join ULI’s leading thinkers from around the world to discuss pressing urbanisation issues and to share experiences and expertise with communities facing critical land use challenges. Click here to view the ULI Belgium events and save the dates in your diary now!