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We looked across the three regional reports in the Emerging Trends in Real Estate series and asked ourselves – if geopolitical uncertainty and caution are the watchwords for 2017 – what are the new rules for the real estate industry?
It is striking that while concerns around geopolitics are at unprecedented levels in recent times, confidence in the ongoing flows of capital to real estate remain high.
When we canvassed the views of 21 global real estate leaders they spoke positively about the prospects for real estate in 2017 and beyond. These leaders represent global asset managers, institutional investors, sovereign investment funds and the largest real estate operators who together we estimate control over $1trn of real estate assets under management.
In a risk-off market where will investors find yield? This report revisits common trends from across the Emerging Trends in Real Estate series and identifies how real estate is responding to these challenges.
The Emerging Trends in Real Estate series has also shown in recent years that what we mean by ‘real estate‘‘‘ is evolving and becoming harder to define. The boundaries between real estate and infrastructure are becoming increasingly blurred. Our interviews with industry leaders explored the dynamics driving the ‘real assets’ phenomenon and where this is heading.