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Milan and Turin: Competitiveness of Italy's Great Northern Cities
The report was launched at ULI Italy’s inaugural Annual Conference, themed around competitive cities.
April 19, 2018
MILAN (19 April 2018) — A new ULI report argues that in order to remain competitive, the cities of Milan and Turin must improve their governance structures, attractiveness to talent, and collaboration with other cities in the Transalpine region. Milan and Turin: Competitiveness of Italy’s Great Northern Cities assesses the current competitiveness of these two major Italian cities and offers recommendations for how they can become even more competitive on an international scale.
“The challenge of developing and maintaining a competitive edge is important for cities around the world,” said Lisette van Doorn, CEO of ULI Europe. “Being competitive is not just about providing the right governance framework and competitive climate. More and more, cities must focus on attracting an increasingly mobile talent force—particularly in the creative and tech sectors—by creating both vibrant and liveable places and focusing on innovation as a key economic sector. By using ULI’s original framework for city competitiveness, this report assesses how Milan and Turin can better attract talent, businesses, and investors.”
“Milan and Turin have a lot to offer Italy and the rest of the world,” said Giancarlo Scotti, Chairman of ULI Italy. “Their relatively large sizes, their assets, and their strategic locations in the Alpine region of Europe make them key to the future competitiveness of Italy as a whole. The recommendations in this report will prove invaluable to public and private stakeholders who want to help these cities fulfill their competitive potential.”
The report is informed by research carried out by ULI in late 2017, which included workshops with ULI members and other public and private sector leaders in Milan and Turin, interviews with Italian urban experts, and a review of the two cities against recognised measures of international performance. As part of the report, two separate, detailed case studies on the competitiveness of each city will be published.
The report evaluates the competitiveness of Milan and Turin in comparison to their respective international peers based on four main elements: governance framework, competitive climate, agglomeration, and attractiveness to talent.
According to the report, both Milan and Turin already have many significant competitive advantages. Among Milan’s strengths are a highly attractive inner city; the support of the large, diversified, and innovative region of Grande Milano; an active civil society; and relatively low costs of doing business. However, a fragmented governance system combined with perceived lags in the quality of life; dis-economies of scale, including high costs of transport and public services; and mixed international perceptions about the costs and risks of doing business, threaten Milan’s competitiveness.
Turin also has many competitive advantages, including a high quality of place and a commitment to innovation; a newly defined metropolitan territory combining urban and rural assets; large reserves of affordable industrial space; and a diverse metropolitan market. On the other hand, Turin’s competitiveness suffers from a limited size and lack of global reach, a receding strategic agenda regarding competitiveness, reduced appeal to talent, and a high tax and regulatory burden for businesses.
The report provides a number of recommendations for both cities to overcome their observed competitive threats. Below is a summary of the report’s key recommendations:
To download the report, please click here.
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The Urban Land Institute is a non-profit education and research institute supported by its members. Its mission is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. Established in 1936, the institute has over 40,000 members worldwide representing all aspects of land use and development disciplines. ULI has over 3,000 members in Europe across 14 National Council country networks, including ULI Italy. For more information, please visit, follow us on Twitter, or join our LinkedIn group.
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